Turn your Mother in law into Mother in love

Turn your Mother in law into Mother in love
Behind every successful person, stands a very successful mother-in-law. Lou Holtz
Mother in law turn into Mother in love
I gained a Mother in law when I married my husband in 1985. She was one of the best things that ever happened to me. My Mother in law was the epitome of grace, kindness
and so much more.
Mum in law was easy to love and she showed loved similarly as easy.
The first day we met, I accidentally broke two cups while I was helping in the kitchen. I felt so bad and apologized profusely but she put me to ease with: “Don’t worry about that. I never liked them anyway. Now I have an excuse to buy a new set of cups”
My Mother in law soon became my friend, my confidant and a fierce supporter. We lived about 1000 kilometers from my in laws so when we visited we stayed for at least a week or two.
I tried to impress by dressing up very nicely and decided to give myself a nail job (to save money) by buying false nails and glue it onto my fingernails. I looked very smart and sophisticated or so I thought and surely Mum in law ooh and aah about my nails.
My false nails fell into the dish
The whole day I walked around with these stylized nails and when dinner time came I insisted to help even though Mum in law told me that she had everything under control.
I ended up putting all the cooked food in beautiful bowls to put on the table and so to my embarrassment the one after the other nail came loose ( I think it was due to the heat) and fell into the green bean dish.
I was still trying to figure out what to do next when Mum in law walked in and started fishing out the nails. With no time to spare she just raked the green beans together and asked if I wanted the nails back.
I was close to tears and then she pulled me towards her and gave me a big Mamma bear hug and told me: “This is our secret” and she never brought it up again.
My Mother in law was the best
She was my best ally and helped but never interfered and after my husbands death we grew even closer.
When she died in 2012, I lost a best friend. Mother in love taught me so much about being a Mother in law and helped me to be a better Daughter in law.
I can forever talk about her and the influence she had in my life but here is my tips to make a friend out of your Mother in law
- Compliment her on the good job she did with her son/daughter
- Compliment her on her clothes/hair
- Help her in the kitchen
- Compliment her on her cooking
- Ask her to show you how to make your husbands favorite childhood dish
- Treat her to tea in town – just you and her
- Ask her advice on things
- Tell her how much you value her
- Put post it messages of love on her fridge
- Give her flowers on mothers day/birthday or just any day you want
You and your Mother in law have lots in common. You both love the same person therefore it is worth it to turn your Mother in law into your Mother in love.
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