The power of prayer


The power of prayer

The power of prayer became prominent with the series of books written by Stormie Omartian.

About 10 years ago I went through a big crisis that involved one of my children.. I was struggling, I didn’t know where to go for help. Then one evening a friend of mine took me aside and told me that while I had been a Christian for over 20 years by then, I prayed without having faith in God to hear my prayers. How could this be? This friend really showed me the way to pray and believe. What a revelations it was.

The Power of a praying parent

Then one day about 2 months after the intervention of my friend, I was cleaning out my bookcase and there it was: The power of a praying parent by Stormie Omartian. I didn’t know I even had the book. What a wonderful surprise. I worked through the book day by day and became stronger and stronger while I witnessed how prayer changed my circumstances for the better.

I slacked

Yes, after all the work I put in, my life became so much better and then I slacked on the praying part. Things were going great with my children and life couldn’t have been better. I still prayed but not as intense and not so focused. Just like that things started going downhill. I couldn’t believe it.

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