The art of healthy debate


The art of healthy debate

The art of healthy debate seems to be a dying art form. Politicians, social media and even the people on the street forgot how to debate.

The way we were

During my schooling both Primary and High school we had debate classes where we were taught how to debate. We were given a topic and divided into groups of 2 and sometimes 4. Half of the group had to be against the topic and the other half for the topic. Now I’m not sure whether it is still done this way. Please enlighten me if you know.

Healthy debate

According to me, debate should be done in orderly manner where everyone in the debate group gets the chance to give his opinion. Then after that everyone gives their final points. No screaming or yelling. Just respect to listen to the view of the other side. You do not have to agree. Just listen.

Debating got lost

When you look at how the Politicians behave in Parliament one have to wonder what happened to debating at school. The people on Social media too have no idea about the art of healthy debate. When you don’t agree with someone or raise an unpopular view point, you can get canceled. Loose your job and home. The other day I was watching a live debate on Television and was stunned at how people were talking over each other while we the listeners could not hear what they wanted to say. Disorderly.

Not all is lost

Every now and then I do see some healthy debate by people on the Internet, Television and even in Parliament. The person leading the debate has such an important role to play during the debate. It truly rests on the leader to lead an orderly debate. Some people though just do not have the temperament to be in a debate,

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