Teach yourself DIY

Teach yourself DIY
Teach yourself DIY – you will not regret it. You can do it!
No skills no problem
I come from a single parent family where my Mum had to learn how to fix things herself in order to save the little money she had. She fixed the home appliances, she kept our house and garden in excellent condition, while also making our own clothes and do all the cooking and cleaning up by herself. When I became a single parent at age 28 after the sudden death of my husband, I too had to learn how to do DIY and it wasn’t easy at first.
It’s not fair
For many years after the death of my husband, I felt sorry for myself. Poor me – it’s not fair to loose both my Father and husband was my sorry state of mind. I didn’t think I could live up to my Mother’s standard of super single Mum so I just let misery get the better of me. Money or the lack of it were a daily struggle with 2 kids to raise on my lonesome self. I watched how my garden became a forest and my house a dump.
Not a victim
It took years to shake my victim hood and to take charge of my body, mind, soul, home and garden. I’ve thrived since. It all began with the book Self matters. After studying the book, making changes in my thought processes while also making peace with my hurtful past, I shook the feeling of helplessness and started to learn the skills needed to repair the damage caused to my home, garden and myself.
Teach yourself DIY
There are so much free tutorials on Google and YouTube to learn from. When I started out, I read up on how to do home renovations. I watched endless videos until I found those that I felt comfortable with and the result was life changing. My confidence got a huge boost after the first successful renovation. I couldn’t believe that I did it with my own two hands. The next project followed. Seven years have since past and have since completed renovation of my complete house. Currently I’m building wall to wall bookcases in my living room.
No scary cat
I now try new things all the time and I’m not afraid to ask advice when needed. Learning DIY gave me skills and confidence while also boosting my self esteem and self worth.
Teach yourself DIY and open up a new world of opportunities.
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