Only in South Africa
Only in South Africa
Only in South Africa is a saying in South Africa when the people of the country react to situations that are unique to South Africa, For us here it is normal while others might raise an eyebrow or two.
During the Oscar Pistorius murder trail it came to light that Oscar fired his gun at robots. The International media as well as the international audience were gobsmacked at the mention of robots on the street. South Africans on the other side were having fun with it as traficlights in South Africa are called Robots here – in all 11 official languages.
The Vuvuzela
During the soccer world cup of 2010 we introduced the world to the Vuvuzela – a trumpet like gadget that are blown during soccer matches. It makes a lot of noise and while many tourists complained about it, more tourists embraced this unique South African instrument during their stay.
In South Africa braai is everything. We braai for everything and anything and everywhere. South Africans love their braai.- almost like barbecue just in extreme. When the electricity goes out we light up the braai, pour a drink and invite friends and family over. Braai is almost holy to South Africans – never interferes when a South African braai.
If you only learn one word this is the word to remember. Lekker is an Afrikaans word that are spoken and understood in the whole of South Africa. You say lekker when something taste good, you enjoy a game of Monopoly – it is a very versatile word we use to show our delight at anything we enjoy from food to entertainment. Just anything you can think about.
In other countries they call it a pickup truck, a truck – in South Africa we proudly call it a bakkie – another Afrikaans word that everyone understands.
Here are more things that are very South African. Enjoy
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