My only competition is with me


My only competition is with me

My only competition is with me. I’m not a very competitive person at all. Against other people that is. It is however different between me and myself.

How others see me

This is not a myth but a fact. I have actually been told so in my face that I want to be better than everyone else. Somehow I give the impression that I compete against others and that I think or want to be better than others.

Not true

Wish I knew how to change the above myth about myself. That is not the impression I want to give out. Having said that, I love to challenge myself and improve. It all started when I was 9 years old and in Grade 3. Everyone in my class could say the R sound, just not me. It resulted in me feeling not good enough. No matter how much time the teacher spent to teach me how to make the R sound, I failed miserably. The other children laughed at me and made fun of me which resulted in me feeling terrible and very inadequate. Lonely. The odd one out.

The R Olympics

My only competition is with me. I’m not a very competitive person at all. Against other people that is. It is however different between me and myself.

How others see me

This is not a myth but a fact. I have actually been told so in my face that I want to be better than everyone else. Somehow I give the impression that I compete against others and that I think or want to be better than others.

Not true

Wish I knew how to change the above myth about myself. That is not the impression I want to give out. Having said that, I love to challenge myself and improve. It all started when I was 9 years old and in Grade 3. Everyone in my class could say the R sound, just not me. It resulted in me feeling not good enough. No matter how much time the teacher spent to teach me how to make the R sound, I failed miserably. The other children laughed at me and made fun of me which resulted in me feeling terrible and very inadequate. Lonely. The odd one out.

The R Olympics

I became determined to conquer the R challenge. Day and night I practiced. In the evenings after bedtime I lay in my bed wide awake and pushing myself to get it right. It went on for months until one evening when I made the perfect R sound again and again. I was so proud of myself and so was my Mum and the teachers at school. With me conquering the R sound, I actually won the race against myself.

Still going strong

There were many more challenges after that. Things do not come easy for me. I have to work very hard to achieve the goals I set for myself. I love competing against myself, to challenge myself to conquer and achieve.

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