Museums are important


Museums are important

Museums are important for a better future. History are part of who our ancestors was, what they did and the mistakes they made. It also fill in the gaps to see the big picture of where we are now.

Back to the past

Humans have been on earth for some time now. Lots have happened through the years. While we are alive now and this is the present time – for others their present time was then. They also went through life – challenging, rewarding, hard work, fun, birth, death,betrayal. It is important to know what and how things happened in the past. This is where museums enter the stage.

Museums are important

My Mother don’t like museums – to her they are a reminder of some of the most difficult and painful times in her life. She are also not interested in how things were centuries ago. While I respect her viewpoint, I do feel that we should know about things. We should know about all the inventions that make our lives better – the flush toilet, electricity, indoor plumbing, the Internet and so much more. We should also know about the ugly stuff.

Museums about specific events

The people who live after we depart this world should know about the Nazi’s and the Holocaust, Apartheid, The American Indians and the conservations. When the planes hit the World Trade center on 9/11 history were made. Wars need museums to tell the stories: Vietnam war, Afghanistan, Syria, WW1 and WW2 and now the current war in Ukraine. Not to worship war but to learn from them. The mistakes made and to prevent them from happening again.

If you know better, you do better – Oprah Winfrey

Knowing your past is to travel on a road with signs that show the detours, the potholes and the highways. Museums play a big role to highlight the timeline of humans on planet earth.

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