The Importance of me time


The Importance of me time

The Importance of me time is worthwhile to talk about.

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first.

Growing up, my Mother emphasized again and again that we must be selfless and not selfish. She herself would walk to town to save so that she would have money to buy us new shoes. When I was still in the house, I never saw my Mum spend money on herself nor did I see her take time for herself and so I thought that must be the way to parenting.

I grew up in a single parent family where money were tight and women like my Mother sacrificed their whole being for their loved ones.

It is then no surprise that when I got married and had kids, that I ended up doing the same thing. I also became a single parent when my children were 5 and 3 and I never took a minute for myself. My children slept in my bedroom so I didn’t even had privacy for a long time and although I was frustrated by it, it never crossed my mind that I had the right to time on my own.

I understand the importance
of me time

The first time I heard about me-time was during an episode of Wife swap on the television. Yes, it was a rich woman who took me-time even with maids and full time nannies around but it struck a cord with me and for the first time ever I was questioning this selfless thing but I was so set in my way of doing that although frustrated and fed up , I kept the selfless way of living up until 10 years ago when I started reading self help books.

The moment I introduced my me-time into my circle, it was met with resistance and I had to be persistent to succeed and now I will say: “I’m sorry but I cannot babysit tonight, it is my me-time evening” or I will meet you for tea after I’ve completed my me-time. People no longer ask questions about it.

The Importance of me time cannot be over emphasized.

Me-time changed my life for the better and I wish I did it sooner.


  • You need time for yourself to recharge
  • You need time by yourself
  • Me-time is not selfish
  • You must take care of yourself so that you can be of value to others.
  • Me-time revitalize you.
  • Me-time gives value to you

Make time for yourself even if you have a crazy schedule. It could be as little as 10 minutes a day or a whole day.

Do you make time for yourself? I’d love to hear what you think about me-time.

Have a fabulous week.

Self-love is not selfish. You cannot truly love another until you know how to love yourself.

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